Cash Offers For Homes or Bare Land

man sitting on cash

See how easy selling your home for cash can be…

Click ‘play’ to watch a quick video on how we can make a free cash offer for your home in as little as 24 hours….


Meet the New Hope Team

  • Free Cash Offer on your Home or Land

    We may be interested in purchasing, leasing, or taking over the payments on your home or property if we can agree on the terms. By giving us honest answers to the following questions, we can give you an honest answer as to whether or not we can help you in your current situation. Thank you in advance for being forthright and truthful because we truly do want to help you if we can.
  • Total amount you pay each month on 1st mortgage
  • Total amount you pay each month on 2nd mortgage or HELOC
  • How much is it worth if a realtor sells it for you?
  • Balance that you owe on your mortgage (including 2nd mortgage and HELOC, if any)
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  • Terms Of Sale:

    Let's explore the terms that you'll need to consider for a quick sale....
  • In other words, what is the least amount of cash you would accept?
  • We can either lease your home with an option to buy, or purchase it as soon as you're ready to close, and we will usually pay all the closing costs.

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  • Final Information

    Please answer these final questions so that we can determine the terms that we can offer you for your home.